Heart attack is a common medical emergency. You may not feel any symptoms of an impending heart attack until it’s too late. Here are the most common signs of a heart attack:
Shortness of breath. Shortness of breath is similar to any other shortness of breath. However, your heart requires oxygen-rich blood in order to work properly. If fatty plaques (which consists of cholesterol, fat, and other materials) to build up in your arteries that transport oxygen-rich blood into your heart, then this oxygen-rich blood can be severely or even completely cut off by the buildup of these plaques.
Nausea and Vomiting. Symptoms of heart attacks include shortness of breath along with chest pains. This is often coupled with a feeling of nausea and vomiting. These symptoms often occur without treatment or after you have already had a cardiac arrest. The presence of these two symptoms without treatment can signal the presence of a more serious medical problem.
Chest Stiffness. The pain that occurs during a heart attack symptom is felt all over your body, but the chest area is typically the first part of your body to feel discomfort. The reason for this is that there is a lot of blood flowing in your chest tissue. Since the heart muscle is in charge of pumping blood throughout your entire body, it is important that if there is an increase in the amount of blood flowing into the chest area, that the heart muscle will react by contracting.
Numbness and Tingling. Many people experience numbness and tingling sensations in their hands and feet during heart attacks. It is common for the numbness and tingling to get worse as the heart attack progresses. You may also start to feel faint and dizzy as well.
Family History. If a person has a family history of heart attacks or certain other health conditions such as diabetes or asthma, they are at a greater risk of having one themselves. This is because the health conditions mentioned above can make the heart muscles more susceptible to attack. It is important that you discuss these risk factors with your doctor to see if you can take any measures to decrease your risk of having an attack.
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): this is a less common cause of heart attacks and strokes. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is when fatty deposits called atheromas build up along the walls of your arteries. As the buildup increases, it can restrict blood flow and create a constricting effect which can cause a heart attack or stroke. If a CAD condition is present, it is important to see your doctor promptly for treatment.
Jaw Pain. The symptoms of a heart attack in the jaw area can be similar to those from a jaw ache. Your jaw may hurt as well as feel stiff. Some people experience muscle pain, stiffness, or numbness when they grind or clench their teeth. Other symptoms may include pain when chewing, a chipped tooth, difficulty opening or closing your mouth, pain or tenderness around the ear, or pain when swallowing.
Chest Pain. Many people who have a heart attack experience chest pain. Some experience a sharp and shooting pain while others experience a tight and painful feeling in the chest. Sometimes these feelings are mild and can quickly be relieved by prompt attention; however, if you are having a heart attack and have not received CPR, you should get emergency medical help immediately.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest. People who have heart attacks often have a sudden cardiac arrest. This occurs when the heart cannot circulate enough oxygen-rich blood to the body. Anyone who experiences a sudden cardiac arrest should take steps to prevent further injury or death.
Heart Health Risks. Heart attacks and strokes both involve the circulatory system and the flow of blood. Blood flowing through the body carries oxygen, nutrients, and waste materials. Abnormalities in the flow of blood may affect the brain, causing neurological problems that may include seizures or loss of consciousness. People with a history of heart attacks or strokes may also develop abnormal blood flow, which can result in symptoms such as chest pain or nausea.
A healthy lifestyle is important for optimal health. Exercise, proper nutrition, and quitting smoking are important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. However, if you have experienced a heart attack or stroke, or if you are at risk for developing heart disease, it is essential that you receive treatment. If you do not receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation after an emergency cardiac rehabilitation session, you may be at risk for a more serious condition or death. Receiving CPR during a physical activity minimizes the risk of further injury or death.